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Profile of Asaadul Kabir Chowdhury



Name Asaadul Kabir Chowdhury
Division Flood and River Basin Management (FRM)
Designation Associate Specialist
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 131


Academic Chronology

Mr. Asaadul Kabir Chowdhury has been completed his graduation of M. Engg. in Civil Engineering from City College of New York, USA in 2010. He has been completed his under-graduate in Civil Engineering from BUET in April 2002.

Professional Track Record

 From February 2003 to September 2005, worked as a Junior Engineer in in Flood Management Division (FMG) of IWM  From October 2005 to July 2006, worked as a Project Engineer in City Builders Inc., New York, USA  From July 2006 to December 2006, worked as a Civil Engineer for NS Engineers, PC New Jersey, USA  From December 2006 to September 2011, worked as an Environmental Engineer 1 for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, USA  From October 2011 to September 2012, he was working with FMG Division in IWM as a Hydraulic Engineer.  From September 2012 to August 2015, he was involved in FMG division as Junior Specialist.  From August 2015 till date he hes been involved as Associate Specialist in the same division.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Member, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Major Project Assignment

 Support services on mathematical modelling for Bangladesh side of the India-Bangladesh joint study team for joint study on proposed Tipaimukh hydro-electric (multipurpose) project of India  Integrated water resource assessment of Bangladesh  Strengthening of Flood Forecasting and Warning Services  Mathematical Modelling for Flood Control and Drainage Improvement of Meghna – Titas Project  Mathematical Modelling for Manu – Dhalai – Khowai – Kushiyara Flood Management Project  Annual Validation of General and Regional Models