Climate Change and Environment (CCE)
We provide modern solutions for Climate, Weather and Disaster management
We provide modern solutions for Climate, Weather and Disaster management
IWM has been working with climate projections and scenarios for different flood and drought management project, drainage modelling, storm surge and sea level rise related research and studies in collaboration with BUET, DOE, BWDB, World Bank, CEIP-I and other government and international organizations for many years. And hence, the idea of starting a full-blown unit focusing solely on climate change research has been a vision of IWM for a long time.
Considering the above issues and as per decision of the 84th meeting of IWM board of Trustees, IWM has recently established a Climate Change Cell with a view to conduct (i) Basic research in the field of Climate Change (ii) Climate Change impact assessment, (iii) Training and capacity building, (iv) Awareness building, (v) Developing local level Climate Change model and provide support to develop Climate Change services in line with Bangladesh situation vi) multi-level collaboration with partners, research institutes, stakeholders and donor organizations. The vision of the Climate Cell is to enable better management of the risk of climate variability and changes and adaptation and mitigation to climate change, through the development and incorporation of science-based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice on the global, regional and national scale.
Our Milestone Projects
Services Provided:
• Investigate zone wise variation of sea level along the coast (for the three coastal zones separated as West, Central and East)
• Find seasonal and zonal variation of sea level along the coast
• Simulate sea level rise in near future (2035-2065, 2070-2100) in different scenarios (RCP 4.5 & 8.5) considering seasonal and zonal variability Hydrodynamic, wave, storm surge and morphological modelling and investigation;
• Simulate sea level rise including local influences such as subsidence, tidal modulation, ENSO etc.
• Investigate polder inundation extent and overtopping due to sea level rise and increased storm surge
• Updating and calibration of GBM basin model, Updating, river model and Bay of Bengal model
• Summaries and effectively communicate findings to stakeholders, including adaptation decision-makers and policymakers
• Development of detailed methodology through consultation meeting with Stakeholder and Experts
• Development of Database and Web application.
• Assessment of polder overtopping for selected polders
• Assessment of sea level rise for present and future scenarios
Services Provided:
• Review of previous reports/journals on aquifer characteristics of coastal area and salinity modelling & analysis.
• Collection and analysis of lithological data from secondary sources
• Preparation of hydro-stratigraphic cross-sections to have a clear idea about the extent of the existing aquifers
• Define aquifer extent and characteristics in coastal area
• Collection and analysis of aquifer properties data from secondary sources
• Assessment of aquifer properties from the analysis of data/information obtained from different relevant secondary sources
• Preparation of maps for Sy/Ss and Kh
• Collection GWL data from secondary sources
• Preparation of GWL hyetograph for the representative stations to have an idea about historical trend of groundwater level
• Preparation of maps for spatial distribution of GWL
• Collection of SW and GW salinity data
• Analysis of salinity data for investigating the temporal spatial distribution
• Preparation of salinity contour maps
• Updating of Groundwater salinity Model developed under JAR project at Khulna, Satkhira and Jessore
Our Core Team
Email: mrh@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01841-930015
Email: mtz@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01680514668
Email: rzh@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01686402424
Email: sbr@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01312869281
Email: adi@iwmbd.org
Mobile: 01515209692