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Profile of Liton Chandra Mazumder



Name Liton Chandra Mazumder
Division Flood and River Basin Management (FRM)
Designation Associate Specialist
Phone 55087611-4, Ext. 131


Academic Chronology

Liton Chandra Mazumder graduated in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology in May 2010. Later he completed M.Sc. in Water Science and Engineering specialization with Erasmus Mundus Programme in "Flood Risk Management" from UNESCO-IHE (Netherlands), collaboration with Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Technical University of Catalonia (Spain) and University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) in September 2017.

Professional Track Record

Mr Mazumder has a professional experience of about 9 years in the field of computational hydraulics and hydrology, real time and satellite-based flood forecasting.

Mr Mazumder started his career as a Junior Engineer in Flood Management Division of IWM in 2010. He worked as a Junior Engineer till November, 2017 involved in number of important water resources projects including hydrological and hydrodynamic model development using MIKE 11; flood and drainage model development & different options simulation for decision making in FCDI projects; regional model updating and calibration; data collection, monitoring and management; carrying out extensive field visits for reconnaissance survey and interaction with the local people and stakeholders in the project area to gain first hand concrete information of the area, data consistency checking, identification of hydrological extreme event; flood mapping; flood bulletin preparation; water balance checking in different regions; training junior professionals for resource development etc.

In the end of 2017, He was promoted as Junior Specialist in the same Division. In this tenure, he was involved and gained a vast experience on preparation of project proposal; project management as project leader; development of hydrological & hydrodynamic model using MIKE 11 tool at regional and national level including calibration of the models for the aid of several studies of Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation (FCDI) projects, simulations of watershed models using MIKE and HEC Software packages to estimate stream flow for operation of hydraulic structures (i.e. culverts, sluice gates etc.); performance evaluation of pre and post dredging of channels; development of real time and satellite-based flood forecasting system; sub-basin wise water management including water availability and demand analysis; Flood inundation modelling and statistical analysis, GIS mapping and analysis, impact of climate change analysis on major rivers basin and catchments of Bangladesh, assessment & management of basin water resources; options simulation of probable mitigation measures; trained junior professionals for staff development and proper assignment; Preparation of Inception Report, Progress Report, Draft Final Report, Final Report and Presentations, etc. in connection to in several water resources development and management related projects.

Now, he has been working in Flood Management Division as Associate Specialist since 2019. He is specialized in Hydrological and Hydrodynamics Modelling, Local Level Flood Forecasting based on real time and satellite and Remote Sensing with MIKE11 tools of DHI, MIKE HYDRO Basin, Water and Environment and SWAT, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS and Arc-GIS software.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Liton Chandra Mazumder has received specialized training in mathematical modelling on MIKE21FM, SWAT, Satellite Remote Sensing Application for Water Resources Management, and ArcGIS. He attended a number of national seminars and conferences.


  • Accomplished the certificate course in Training on "Completing the UNESCO-IHE Modelling Lecture Series" Organized by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in May 20 - May 27, 2016, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
  • Accomplished the certificate course in Training on "Satellite Remote Sensing Application for Water Resources Management" Organized by ICIMOD in 2-6 December, 2013 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Accomplished the certificate Basic Training Course: Hydrology, Open Channel Hydraulics, Mathematical Modelling from 11 December 2010 to 05 March 2011 at WRE Dept., Civil Engineering Building, BUET, Bangladesh
  • Achievement of Certificate in Advanced ArcGIS, Bay of Bengal Model using MIKE 21 FM model, MIKE FLOOD, and Arc SWAT conducted by Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Accomplished the certificate ITN training program on Community participation and Management of Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS)

-Publication in Journal/Conference:

Journal Paper

  • Hossain, F., C K, Shum, F.J. Turk, S. Biancamaria, H. Lee, A. Limaye., L.C. Mazumder, M. Hossain, S. Shah-Newaz, T. Ahmed, W. Yigzaw, A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor (2014). A guide for crossing the valley of death: Lessons learned from making a satellite based flood forecasting system operational and independently owned by a stakeholder agency, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society (BAMS), vol. 95(8) (doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00176.1). [IF: 7.93; Citations: 13]
  • Hossain, F., M. Maswood, A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor, W. Yigzaw, L.C. Mazumder, T. Ahmed, M. Hossain, S. Shah-Newaz, A. Limaye, H. Lee, S. Pradhan, B. Shrestha, B. Bajracharya, C K Shum, F. J. Turk. (2014). A promising radar altimetry satellite system for operational flood forecasting in flood-prone Bangladesh, IEEE Magazine on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 2(3), pp. 27-36 (doi:10.1109/MGRS.2014.2345414). [IF: 5.63; Citations: 7]
  • Hossain, F., A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor, L. Mazumder, S. M. Shah Newaz, Sylvain Biancamaria, Hyongki Lee and C K Shum (2014). Proof-of-concept of altimeter-based forecasting of transboundary flow, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. vol. 7(2), pp. 587-601(doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2283402). [IF: 2.14; Citations: 33]

Conference Paper

  • Liton Chandra Mazumder, Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi, Md. Abul Hasan Rana and Md. Sohel Masud (2019); " Application of Quasi-2D Hydraulic Model for the Local Level Flood and Drainage Management in a Growing Industrial Area near the Foot Hills". 2nd International Conference on Water and Environmental Engineering (iCWEE2019) 19-22 Jan 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh ISBN: 978-0-6482681-1-6, pp. 155-163.
  • Biswa Bhattacharya, Crystal Conway, Dimitri Solomatine, Ilyas Masih, Joanne Craven, Liton Chandra Mazumder, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Reyne Ugay, Schalk Jan van Andel and Shreedeepy Shrestha (2018); 'Hydrological and erosion modelling of the Brahmaputra basin using global datasets' HIC 2018, 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, EPiC Series in Engineering, Vol 3, pp. 245-251.
  • Md. Shahadat Hossain, Shubhra Pk., Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi, Liton Chandra Mazumder, Tashrifa Sultana and Nishan Kumar Biswas (2015). Application of mathematical modeling technique to improve flood control, drainage and irrigation facilities of Shariatpur district, Bangladesh. 5th international conference on water & flood management (ICWFM 2015). Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 6-8 March 2015. pp. 441-448.
  • Shubhra Pk., M. S. Hossain, L. C. Mazumder and T. Sultana (2014). Assessment of brick kilns in Bangladesh: energy, financial and environmental performance. 2nd international conference on advances in civil engineering (ICACE-2014). Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, 26-28 December 2014. pp. 239-244.

Major Project Assignment

  • "Flood Management Planning in Bangladesh: Cooperation on Mathematical Model of Hydrology and Sediment"
  • "Hydrodynamic Modelling Study and Statistical Analysis for Determination of Hydrological Parameters at Selected Locations on the River Crossing of Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox's Bazar Railway Line"
  • Flood and Drainage Management study at BSRM plots, Mirsharai Chittagong
  • Strengthening the Capacity of Satellite-Based Flood Forecasting using Near Real Time JASON-2 Satellite Altimeter Data under SERVIR-HIMALAYA, ICIMOD
  • Implementation of JASON-2 Satellite Altimetry Based Flood Forecasting System at Flood Forecasting and warning Center of Bangladesh Government.
  • Hydrogeological Study and Groundwater Modelling for Northern part of Barapukuria Coal Basin Area.
  • Water availability, demand and adaptation option assessment of the Brahmaputra River Basin under climate change.
  • Multi-hazard risk and vulnerability assessment modelling and mapping.
  • Updating of Flood Forecasting System under Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme - Phase II (CDMP II).
  • Research with Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia on Integrated Water Resources Assessment in Bangladesh.
  • Mathematical Modelling study for Tarail Pachuria Flood Control, Drainage & Irrigation Project (Phase-II).
  • Mathematical Modelling study for Gangaijuri Flood Control, Drainage & Irrigation Project
  • Assistance to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the North-East Region of Bangladesh.
  • Mathematical Modelling Study of Sureswar Flood Control, Drainage & Irrigation (FCDI) Project.
  • Support to Flood Forecasting & Warning Center (FFWC) for Assistance to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)-Danida.
  • Mathematical Modelling for Future Plan Development - After Excavation of Chandana-Barasia River.
  • Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) - Union-Wise Flood Map Generation.
  • Feasibility Study for Re?Excavation of Titas River (Upper) under Brahmanbaria District, Bangladesh.
  • Data Collection and General, Regional & BoB Models Updating