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Profile of Md. Shahadat Hossain



Name Md. Shahadat Hossain
Division Flood and River Basin Management (FRM)
Designation Associate Specialist
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 142
Mobile 01678114380


Academic Chronology

Md. Shahadat Hossain was graduated in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology in October 2009. Later he completed his M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from the same university in April 2015.

Professional Track Record

Mr Shahadat has a professional experience of about 9 years in the field of computational hydraulics and hydrology, Weather Research and Forecasting, National Level Flood Forecasting, Local Level Flood Forecasting, Long Range Flood Forecasting, Flash Flood Forecasting based on Satellite and Remote Sensing etc. He has also good working skill in climate change modelling and environmental impact assessment in different scenarios.

Mr Shahadat started his career as a Junior Engineer in Flood Management Division of IWM in 2011. He worked as a Junior Engineer till December, 2013 in various fields like hydrological and hydrodynamic model development using MIKE 11; flood and drainage model development & different options simulation for decision making in FCDI projects; regional model updating and calibration; data collection, monitoring and management; flood mapping; flood bulletin preparation; water balance checking in different regions; training junior professionals for resource development etc.

In 2015, He was promoted as Junior Specialist in the same Division. In this tenure, he was involved and gained a vast experience on preparation of project proposal; development of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for GBM Basin and calibration; hydrological and hydrodynamic model development using MIKE 11; trans-boundary flow forecast and assessment; updating integrated operational forecasting system; forecasted data visualization for public; regional model updating and calibration; project management as project leader etc. He also provided training to different government organizations and international organizations and universities.

Now, he has been working in Flood Management Division as Associate Specialist since 2019. He is specialized in flood forecasting system development and automation, flood control and drainage modelling, hydraulic modelling with MIKE11, MIKE21, HEC-RAS and hydrological modelling with MIKE HYDRO Basin, SWAT, MIKE NAM, HEC-HMS, weather modelling using WRF etc. He is also proficient in C# (C sharp, Dotnet framework), Python, SQL database, Arc-GIS automation using python.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Md. Shahadat Hossain has received specialized training in mathematical modelling on MIKE21FM, Flood Mapping and Data Assimilation, SWAT, Climate Modelling and Downscaling Technique, Environmental Application of Remote Sensing for Water Resources, River Bank Protection and ArcGIS. He has attended a number of national seminars and conferences. He has also provided specialized training to various professionals on MIKE-11, MIKE Hydro Basin, WRF, ArcGIS etc. in home and abroad.

Training (As a Trainer)

  • Training to the MMC professionals under “Development of 1d/2d coupled model for Bagmati-Adhwara River Basin” organized by IWM, Venue: MMC Modelling Room, Patna, India (27 September - 6 November, 2023)
  • Training to the MMC professionals under “Rainfall Runoff Model (MIKE 11 NAM)” organized by IWM, Venue: MMC Modelling Room, Patna, India (15 – 22 August, 2023)
  • Training to the different government professionals regarding "Drainage Modelling using HEC-HMS & HEC RAS" organized by SANDEE-ICIMOD, Venue: Hotel Greenleaf Resort, Tapoban, Nepal (19-24 August, 2019)
  • Training to the AUCA professionals regarding "Basin Model development using MIKE Hydro Basin" organized by American University of Central Asia, Venue: Computer laboratory, AUCA, Kyrgyzstan (20-23 June, 2019)
  • Training to the NAHRIM professionals regarding "Selangor-Klang-Langat River Basin Model Development using MIKE Hydro Basin" organized by NAHRIM, Venue: Computer laboratory, NAHRIM, Malaysia (24-28 July, 2017)
  • Training to the IWM professionals under "MIKE11: Hydrodynamic and Rainfall Runoff Module" at IWM training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (03 to 25 March, 2014)
  • Training to the BWDB professionals under "WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting" at FFWC training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (24 to 30 April, 2014)
  • Training to the BWDB professionals under "MIKE11: Hydrodynamic and Rainfall Runoff Module" at FFWC training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (04 to 05 May, 2014)
  • Training to the IWM professionals under "MIKE11: Hydrodynamic and Rainfall Runoff Module" at IWM training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (14 to 21 December, 2014)
  • Training to the WARPO professionals under "Training Program on River Modelling" at IWM training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (17 to 18 June, 2015)
  • Training to the BWDB professionals under "WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting" at FFWC training room, Dhaka, Bangladesh (1 to 2 May, 2015)

Training (As a Trainee)

  • Training on “The Application of ‘MIKE OPERATIONS WEB’ for National Flood Forecasting System for Bangladesh”, 18 to 29 April 2024, Conducted by DHI, online.
  • Training on “Earth Observation for Monitoring and Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Geomorphology in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh”, 7 to 11 May 2023, Khulna, Bangladesh.
  • Training on “Google Earth Engine”, 30 January – 3 February 2023, Conducted by Deltares, Netherlands.
  • Training on "Meta-modellig for Delta Planing", 13 May -26 May, 2019, Conducted by Deltares, Netherlands
  • Training on "Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model", 12 November -16 November, 2017, Conducted by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADCP), Dhaka.
  • "Quick Web Development", 15 Oct, 2015 -31 Dec, 2015, Conducted by Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BUET.
  • Training on "Mike 11: Flood Mapping and Data Assimilation", 30 April- 03 May, 2014, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • "Intermediate Level Excel Training", 02-04 march, 2014, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "Storm Surge Modelling Using Mike 21", 18 to 24 Nov, 2013, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "Advanced Arc-GIS", 09 to Dec, 2013, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "Arc SWAT", 18 to 23 Feb, 2013, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "Climate Modelling and Downscaling Technique", 18-22 Feb, 2012, 4 Days, conducted by Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET
  • Basic Training Course, Hydrology, Open Channel Hydraulics, Mathematical Modelling from 21 Jan to 5 April, 2012 at WRE Dept., Civil Engineering Building, BUET.
  • Training on "Environmental Application of Remote Sensing for Water Resources", December, 2011, 4 days, conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "Arc GIS", 18 to 23 Oct, 2011, Conducted by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka.
  • Training on "River Bank Protection", 14 Nov-9 Dec, 2009, Conducted by Dept. of Water Resources Engineering (BUET), Dhaka.


Journal Paper:

  • Palash, W., Bajracharya, S. R., Shrestha, A. B., Wahid, S., Hossain, M. S., Mogumder, T. K., & Mazumder, L. C. (2023). Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology of the Brahmaputra River Basin. Climate, 11(1), 18.
  • López, P. L., Sultana, T., Kafi, M. A. H., Hossain, M. S., Khan, A. S., & Masud, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of global water resources reanalysis data for estimating flood events in the Brahmaputra River Basin. Water Resources Management, 34, 2201-2220.
  • Kafi, M. A. H., Sultana, T., Hossain, M. S., Masud, M. S. & Khan, A. S. (2019). Evaluation of the satellite-based and reanalysis-based rainfall for the data poor region in assessing basin level water resources: a case study on the Brahmaputra River basin. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 47(1), 1-14,
  • Kafi, M. A. H., . Masud, M. S., Magumdar, T. K., Pk. S. & Hossain, M. S. (2018). Assessment of long term evolution of morphodynamics of the Kalni-Kushiyara river system in Bangladesh using 1-dimensional morphological model, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), volume 46(1), 21-30

Conference Paper:

  • Rana, M. A. H., Saadat, M. A., Saiyara, N., Hossain, M. S., Khan, I., & Musfequzzaman, M. (2023). Application of 1D-2D Coupled Flood Model for Determining Cross Drainage Structures Along Proposed Railway Line. 9 th International Conference on Water and Flood Management-ICWFM 2023, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh.
  • Haag, A. V., Slager, K., Begum, M., Khan, I., Hossain, M. S., Hasib, R., Lilly, J., Hermawan, T., Oliemans, W., & H., K. Z. (2023). The Bangladesh Erosion Monitor: Automatic Detection of Riverbank Erosion and Its Potential Use for Project Planning. 9 th International Conference on Water and Flood Management-ICWFM 2023, IWFM, Bangladesh.
  • Hossain, M. S., Hossain, M. M., Masud, M. S., Sultana, T., & Ji, X (2019). Impact of Climate Change in Water Availability of The Brahmaputra River Basin: Based on Different GCM Prediction. International Conference on Disaster Risk Management -2019. Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, January 12-14, 2019. pp. 302-312.
  • Hossain, M. S., Pk, S., Kafi, M. A. H., Chandra, L., Mazumder, T. S., & Biswas, N. K. (2015). Application of mathematical modeling technique to improve flood control, drainage and irrigation facilities of Shariatpur district, Bangladesh. 5th international conference on water & flood management (ICWFM 2015). Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 6-8 March 2015. pp. 441-448.
  • Pk., S.1, Magumder, T. K. & Hossain M. S. (2015). Impact of climate change in water availability of lower Brahmaputra River basin. Proceeding of publication in International Conference on Climate Change in relation to Water and Environment, I3CWE -2015, 12-14 April, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Pk. S., Kafi, M. A. H., Hossain, M. S. & Chowdhury, A. K. (2015), Arsenic contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh: A case study in Brahmanbaria District. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, Chittagong 4349, Bangladesh, 58 64
  • Pk. S., Hossain, M. S., Mazumder, L. C. & Sultana, T. (2014). Assessment of brick kilns in Bangladesh: energy, financial and environmental performance. 2nd international conference on advances in civil engineering (ICACE-2014). Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, 26-28 December 2014. pp. 239-244.

Major Project Assignment

  • Joint Cooperation Programme Bangladesh - The Netherlands
  • Flash Flood Early Warning System for North Eastern part of Bangladesh
  • Management Support to the Mathematical Modelling Centre (MMC) for Water Resources Research & Development under Water Resources Department, Government of Bihar.
  • Collaboration between IWM and Tufts University, USA on Flood Forecasting.
  • Water Resources Vulnerability and Security Assessment of the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra Transboundary River Basin.
  • Research with Commonweath Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia on "Intrigated Water Resources Assessment in Bangladesh"
  • Water Availability, Demand and Adaptation Option Assessment of The Brahmaputra River Basin Under Climate Change
  • Local Level Flood Forecasting Applying Remote Sensing Technology in River Basin Management
  • Updating of Flood Forecasting System under Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme - Phase II (CDMP II)
  • Data Collection and General, Regional & Bob Model Updating
  • Feasibility Study for Dredging along the Gumti River for Smooth Drainage and Ensuring Dry Season Irrigation Facilities at Daudkandi and Adjacent Areas in Comilla District Using Mathematical Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Mathematical Modelling and Topographic Survey Under Consultancy Services for Management, Degin, Supervision and other Related Services of Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project of (BWDB part)
  • Feasibility Study for Irrigation using Mathematical Modelling along the Bank of Mohananda River including EIA in Chapai Nawabganj District
  • Sediment Transport Modelling in Connection with Data Collection Survey on Water Resources Management in Haor area of Bangladesh
  • Dredging of Surma-Baulai River System, Improvement of Existing Embankment and drainage channel by using Mathematical Model and State of the Art Survey Technique
  • Monitoring of Hydraulic performance of causeways in Khaliajuri Flood Control & Drainage project
  • Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) - Union-Wise Flood Map Generation.
  • Hydrological and Morphological Study for the Proposed Itna-Mithamain-Austagram Road under Kishoreganj District
  • Mathematical Modelling Study of Sureswar Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project
  • Implementation of JASON-2 Satellite Altimetry Based Flood Forecasting System at Flood Forecasting and warning Center of Bangladesh Government.
  • Multi-hazard risk and vulnerability assessment modelling and mapping.
  • Support to Flood Forecasting & Warning Center (FFWC) for Assistance to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)-Danida.