Profile of Shafiqul Islam

Name | Shafiqul Islam |
Division | Flood and River Basin Management (FRM) |
Designation | Junior Engineer |
Phone | 55087611-4, Ext. 351 |
Mobile | | |
Academic Chronology
Mr. Shafiqul Islam graduated in Civil Engineering from Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET) in 2015.
Professional Track Record
Mr. Shafiqul Islam started his career at IWM in January 2016. By this time, he has been involved in various fields like hydrological and hydrodynamic model development using MIKE 11, data analysis & processing of historical hydro-meteorological data; consistency checking of hydro-meteorological data; identification of design extreme event; identification of flooding and drainage network; delineation of sub-catchments, assist in development of flood and drainage model, preparing site plan of different hydraulic structures under FCDI project.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
TrainingMr. Shafiqul has received specialized training in mathematical modelling and GIS. He has attended several national seminars and conferences.
As a trainee Mr. Shafiqul participated in the following training
- Training Course for IWM Engineers on Computational Hydraulics,Hydraulic Structures,Hydrology,Statistical Hydrology and Coastal Engineering.(15 Nov 202 - 03 Feb 2022)
- DHI Training Course Simulation of Green Strom Water Infrastructures using the following Software applications: MIKE+ Collection System (MIKE 1D) (09 May 2022 – 12 May 2022)
- DHI Training Course Modelling of Water Hammer using MIKE+, using the following Software applications: MIKE+ Water Distribution (WD) (23 May 2022 – 30 May 2022)
- DHI Training Course MIKE OPERATIONS,including Flood Forecast Data Assimilation (DA), using the following software applications: MIKE OPERATIONS (31 May 2022 – 07 June 2022)
- Member, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (MIEB- 40356)
- Hossain, M. K., Karim, M. R., Mahmud, F. A., Islam, S., “Improvement of CBR Value of Soil by Using Discrete PET Fiber” published in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015), 11-13 December 2015, Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Major Project Assignment
- Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (BWDB Part) (Client: BWDB)
- Mathematical Modelling and Survey Support for HFM&LIP During 2018 &2019 (Client: BWDB)
- Sub Consultancy for Field Survey Support in connection with implementation of HFMLIP during 2021 and 2022 under Consultancy Services for Management, Design, Supervision and other Related Services of Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (BWDB Part) (Client: BWDB)
- Prediction of Vulnerable Reaches of Submersible Embankment for Erosion due to Wave in 14 no new Haor Sub-projects (Client: BWDB)
- Feasibility Study for Re-excavation of New Dakatia River in Cumilla and Chandpur District (Client: BWDB)
- Feasibility Study for Drainage Improvement in Uttara Sector 2, 4, 6 & 8 under Dhaka North City Corporation (Client: BWDB)
- Feasibility Study for Conservation and Use of Rainwater through Construction of Environment Friendly Water Reservoir at Khoia Chhara and Govaniya Chhara of Mirsharai Upazila and Kumira Chhara of Sitakunda Upazila under Chattogram district (Client: BWDB)
- Capacity development for enhanced flood forecasting and warning services of Bangladesh (Client: DANIDA)
- Hydrological and Morphological Model Study for Integrated Water Resources Management and Development of Surma-Kushiyara River Basin in Sylhet District (Client: BWDB)
- Consultancy Services for Mathematical Modelling for Integrated Water Resources Management and Construction of Necessary Interventions at the Left Bank of Jamuna River in Jamalpur District (Client: BWDB)