Academic Chronology
Ms. Tashrifa Sultana has been completed her graduation of M. Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from BUET in 2015. She has been completed her under-graduation in Water Resources Engineering from BUET in March 2009.
Professional Track Record
From August 2010 to December 2015, she has worked with Flood Management Division in IWM as Junior Engineer.
From December 2015 to till date, she is involved in same division as Junior Specialist.
Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.
Ms. Tashrifa has participated in several trainings as trainee in the country.
Major Project Assignment
 European Union-Global Earth Observation for Integrated Water Resources Assessment
 Hydrological Study of Tipai Mukh
 Local Level Flood Forecasting
 Research and Prediction Modelling Through Upgrading of Flood Forecasting System by Increasing Lead Time and Introducing Location Specific Flood Warning
 CDMP-Union-Wise Flood map Generation
 Updating of opration and maintenance manual of Teesta Barrage and its CHR
 Water Availability, Demand and Adaptation Option Assessment of The Brahmaputra River Basin Under Climate Change
 Drainage and Irrigation Improvement Study using Mathmatical Model for Gazner Beel area in Upazila Sujanagar, District Pabna  IUCN Joint Research Project
 Assistance to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the NorthEast Region of Bangladesh